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The Little BIG Things with Tom Peters

We are very excited to announce the release of our new Tom Peters program titled The Little BIG Things!

The Little BIG Things contains 91 individual (2 to 3 minute) segments of Tom telling stories and reminding us of what you as a manager, leader and employee need to do to succeed in these crazy times. Every organization and company will benefit from this program!

The 91 segments are available under 5 different topics:

  • Little BIG Things Excellence
  • Little BIG Things Strategy
  • Little BIG Things Service
  • Little BIG Things Leadership
  • Little BIG Things You


Little BIG Things: Leadership (21 Segments - 54 Minutes)

The Little BIG Things: Leadership DVD in the new Tom Peters training program is an invaluable asset for all levels of your management team. Tom attacks the issues of promotions, employee reviews, communication, teamwork, and setting milestones through his insight and candid conversations that are aimed directly at the viewers.

Do you want your managers “wandering around”? You do if you want them to MBWA (Managing By Wandering Around) just like Howard Schultz the CEO of Starbucks does!

American vs. Southwest Airlines 2:31

Two airlines with headquarters in Dallas, two annual meetings, both scheduled on the same spring day in 2008. On one side, several hundreds of members of the pilot’s union were picketing American Airlines. On the other side, the members of the pilot’s union had taken out an ad in thanking Herb Kelleher. The difference between the two couldn’t have been more pronounced. Herb Kelleher always replied when asked about the secret of his success: “you have to treat your employees like customers.”


Answer These Questions 3:37

Your job is to develop your people, and giving promotions is critical to your success as a leader. These questions can help you evaluate the performance and promotion potential of your people. The goal here is to be precise in asking people about their record and their own performance as a developer of people.


Ask Why 2:51

So you’re the boss, you’re supposed to know everything, right? That’s why they made you the boss. Well, Tom wants you to practice saying this one word: Why? If you’re really brilliant, you’ll ask ‘why?’ and then, when you don’t understand part of the explanation, you’ll ask again. About two-thirds of what we do, regardless of the importance of whatever it is that we are doing, is out of habit. Sometimes, you need to take a step back and ask “why?”


Build Success 2:02

Re/Max co-founder Dave Liniger once said “We are a Life Success Company. My business is making the people who work for me into successful human beings.” Who is your primary customer? Is that also your ultimate customer? This could make the difference in whether or not you’re building a Life Success Company. Ensure that your ultimate customer will be served well by taking care of the primary customer.


CHRO - Chief Hurdle Removal Officer 2:31

Thinking about something Peter Drucker once said, Tom recalls this amusing thought: 95% of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get things done. Although this is funny, it is also very true. No one is asking you to do all of the work yourself (nor should you be), but part of you’re job as a leader is to become a CHRO, A Chief Hurdle Removal Officer. As the boss there are things you can do to grease the way and help your people jump some hurdles. So, what have YOU done to be of service to your employees?


Focus on Success 2:27

What if, instead of focusing on things that went wrong and how to fix them, we focused on, and even built on, the things that went right? Of course we will always need to fix problems, but the idea here is to focus on and use as an example things that go right.


Hire the Last 1 Percent 2:48

There are people who don’t just get the job done, but truly give their all to their projects and their work. A class of people Tom calls the "Last 1 Percenters”, people who believe finishing the job is one thing; but really really finishing the job is another.” These are the people you should actively seek when looking to hire.


MBWA 2:12

Often the day-to-day issues of work seem to keep leaders in their office. But, at the start of the day, most intend to get out of their office and go spend some time with the people who are doing the real work. How else will you really know what’s going on? We call this MBWA: Managing by Wandering Around. Howard Shultz, the founder of Starbucks had the right idea when he said “Unless I can feel it and taste it and smell it and touch it, I’m not in touch with what’s going on.” True to his word, he personally visits 25 Starbucks shops a week.


Milestones 3:38

Tom is a “milestoner” extraordinaire. (In fact, Tom may be a little over the top when he speaks about milestones.) But he believes that having and recognizing milestone can be very important for leaders.
Milestones, even small ones, should be incorporated into the planning of every project to keep people engaged and excited. By designing tasks with small wins all along the way, leaders can recognize and celebrate these successes. As Tom says, “Celebrate the dickens out of the smallest ones as well as the biggest one.”


No Standardized Forms! 3:13

“From McDonalds to NASA, never again. No standardized instruments. I’m cutting you no slack on this one.”
Wow, that’s a little strong, right? When it comes to evaluations, people are never standard and the evaluation instrument shouldn’t be either. Think of a professional football team. Everyone is an individual and has a different role in the team. The same is true for members of a symphony, or a student, and the same also holds true for your people. You need to evaluate people individually.


Organizations are Political 2:04

George Schultz, the former Secretary of State said, “You go to Washington with the best of reasons but you get so caught up in power games that you quickly forget why came in the first place.” This lesson is true in any business, and all organizations are political. It is important to keep perspective and stay grounded in a political environment. Ask yourself, “Why am I here? Why did I take this job?” Do not let the politics overwhelm your enthusiasm. Stop and ask yourself “what happened last week that: A. I’m proud of and B. helped develop people?”


Power of Apologies 3:02

Marshall Goldsmith wrote: “I regard apologizing as the most magical, healing, restorative gesture human beings can make. It is the centerpiece of my work with executives who want to get better.”
There is nothing more powerful, yet harder to do than apologizing. Tom believes learning how to apologize effectively is the real essence of strategic strength and an incredibly important tool for anyone and any organization. Just like playing the piano or the cello, it is something you can learn, you can study, and you can get better at it, trust me - or more important, trust Marshall Goldsmith.


Problems and Responses 2:09

The problem is never (or rarely) the problem. The response to the problem is often times more important. Perception is all there is! Make the responses positive, quick and proactive.


Pronoun Power 1:52

It may seem trivial, but your choice of pronouns can be very powerful. When Tom worked at McKinsey, his boss religiously used the word “We” instead of “I.” It is more inclusive, promotes teamwork and builds collaboration.


Shut Up! 2:56

Tom has a very important message: Shut Up! Whether you’re a leader, salesperson, or a customer service representative, you must have the ability (and the patience!) to listen. Stop talking and learn to listen! Quoting from one of Tom’s favorite books featuring the fictional CIA operative, Paul Christopher:
“Christopher had learned when he was very young that if he kept quiet, the other person would fill the silence. Everyone has a story to tell if only you have the patience to wait for it and not get in the way of it”
Christopher’s Ghost
A Paul Christopher Novel by Charles McCarry


Squint Test 2:20

Tom doesn’t believe in quotas, but he does think that if you are serving a market that is significantly women or significantly an ethnic or other group, the only way to effectively deal with that market is to have people that walk and talk that market.
Your team should pass a rough "squint test" and try in a general sense to parallel the market that the team is serving. This does not need to be an exact match, but there should be some crossover. Will your team pass a squint test?


Strategic Listening 3:36

Listening is a key skill for any leader - and for any Doctor. When you are caring for a patient, the #1 source of information is the patient. (The same thing applies to customers in business, too). Based on this information, how long (on average) does a patient speak before a doctor interrupts? If you said 18 seconds, you would be right.
The single most strategic strength that any organization can have is a commitment to strategic listening on the part of every member of the organization. Listen to frontline employees; Listen to vendors and customers. Listening is critical. Practice strategic listening.


The 3 H’s 1:23

Howard, Hilton, and Herb! Tom describes the extraordinary leadership talents of Howard Schultz, Conrad Hilton, and Herb Kelleher and the lessons we’ve learned. Treat employees like customers, stay in touch, and always sweat the details.


The 3 Most Important Words 2:24

I don’t know. They may be hard to say, but these are the three most important words in any manager’s language. Fundamentally, a manager is not paid to have all the answers. A manager is paid to develop the people who will find the answers and go beyond the answers. So start practicing: "I don’t know. You figure it out!"


The 4 Most Important Words1:51

The four most important words in any organization are “What Do You Think?” Why are these words so important? What you are really saying is “you are a person of value that has an opinion that I want to hear.” Remember (and use) these four words and you will benefit enormously.


Thoughts on Leadership 2:33

Gandhi said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Remember, your actions always have impact on everyone around you. As David D’Alessandro (the former CEO John Hancock) said, "It’s Always Show Time." A manager is leading people. You lead by example. You must understand that you are putting on a show. People watch you. Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew this as well. He said, “The president must be the nation’s number one actor.” The same thing is true for a front line supervisor as it is for the President. It is always ShowTime.


Purchase Includes:

  • DVD (54 Minutes)
  • Discussion Guide
  • Power Point

This program is part of The Little BIG Things Series which is available with discount pricing.

Exciting news! Tom’s latest book The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue EXCELLENCE by Tom Peters will be published soon! Pre-order now, ships in March.

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This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

The 3 H's
Tom describes the extraordinary leadership talents of Howard Schultz, Conrad Hilton and Herb Kelleher. Treat employees like customers, stay in touch, sweat the details, it's always about people.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 4 Most Important Words
As a leader, you don't know everything,. Remember (and use) these four words and you will benefit enormously. The words are, "What do you think?"
DVD style course with completion certificate only
American vs. Southwest Airlines
On one day in Dallas, two airlines were each having annual meetings. The difference between the two couldn't have been more pronounced. The American Airlines meeting had demonstrations, The Southwest Airlines meeting had celebrations.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Ask Why
It may sound overly simple, but the question, "Why?" is a very powerful tool for any leader. Use it and you'll be amazed at the results.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Build Success
Dave Liniger, founder, RE/MAX said, "We are a -Life Success- Company." Great leaders help individuals achieve success - and the results will be organizational success.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Focus on Success
Bob Stone, who headed the "Reinventing Government" program under VP Al Gore described his strategy. He said, "I look for things that went right and try to build on them." Focus on the positive and encourage people to continue to innovate.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Thoughts on Leadership
Gandhi said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Remember, your actions always have impact on everyone around you. As David D'Alessandro said, "It's Always Show Time."
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Hire the last 1 Percent
Your hiring decisions matter. Hire the last 1%.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Have You 50
Tom saw an article in the Harvard Business Review called, "Mapping Your Competitive Position." That triggered the thought: Instead of "mapping your competitive position," why don-t you just call a customer? If would be easier - and better! Over time, this has led to these 50 pragmatic ideas for achi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Answer These Questions
As a leader, you need to develop your people. To do so, think about answering these questions. They will help you with promoting people and can reveal how excellent you are as a leader.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Strategic Listening
Listening is a key skill for any leader- and for any Doctor. But how long do you think (on average) does a patient speak before a doctor interrupts? 18 seconds. As a leader (or doctor), your profession is listening. Proactive strategic listening.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A successful leader does not stay locked in his or her office. It still is about "managing by wandering around" or MBWA. Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks takes the time to visit an average of 23 Starbucks stores a week.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The 3 Most Important Words
It may be hard to say, but here are the three most important words for any leader, "I don't know!" Use them. Managers aren't hired because they have the answers. They're hired because they can find people with the answers.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
No Standardized Forms!
Tom has a gripe with HR departments who use standardized evaluation forms. Every individual is different. Think of a professional football team. Everyone is an individual so you need to evaluate people individually.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Tom is a milestoner extraordinaire. But he also believes that milestones are important for leaders. People need small wins. Leaders should recognize milestones and celebrate successes. Design milestones to keep people engaged and excited.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Power of Apologies
Marshall Goldsmith celebrates the power of apologies. Tom agrees. Apologies are powerful and can help leaders with difficult relationships. Tom believes it is a strategies strength for anyone and any organization.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Why Excellence
Ever since the publication of the book "In Search of Excellence," Tom has fallen in love with the word "excellence." The reason is simple: Tom believes that any endeavor can be made better by pursuing excellence.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Problems and Responses
The problem is rarely/never the problem. The response to the problem invariably ends up being the real problem. Perception is all there is! Pay attention to how you respond to problems.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Pronoun Power
The pronouns you use matter! Think about using "we" instead of "I". It is more inclusive. It promotes teamwork and builds collaboration.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Tom speaks about servant leadership. In fact, you're job as a leader is to become a CHRO- A Chief Hurdle Removal Officer. Thoughts on servant leadership. What have you done in the last working day to be directly of service to your employees?
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Shut Up!
A leader must be able to listen.. So Shut Up and Listen. Everyone has a story to tell. It is terrific advice for ANYONE (managers, non managers, salespeople).
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Squint Test
Tom doesn-t believe in quotas, but he does think that your team should pass a rough "squint test" and try and parallel the market that the team is serving.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Organizations Are Political
George Schultz, the former Secretary of State said, "You go to Washington with the best of reasons but you get so caught up in power games that you quickly forget why came in the first place." This lesson is true in any business, and all organizations are political. It is important to keep perspecti... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only

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