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The team at Life is good thinks that spreading good vibes is an important part of their success.  What does "spread good vibes" mean?  It means delivering great customer service.  It means treating your fellow workers with respect and making each day special.  It means giving back to your community. It means having fun and being positive in all your interactions.

It is also important to spread good vibes is internally.   In the program, we hear general manager Keith Campbell stress that his customers are the two hundred employees in his facility. Every one of them needs to be clear about their work, informed about the business, and connected to the mission and the outside customers.  That way, the good vibes are flowing back and forth all the time.  Ultimately, the good vibes created internally spread to all the outside customers, building satisfaction and success!

Key Learning Points:

  • You have the power to make people happy - in customer service, sales, and in the products that you sell.
  • Bring enthusiasm to every interaction with fellow employees and customers.
  • You never know the effect a simple smile, a small gesture, or a "can-do" attitude can have on someone.
  • Make PASSION part of your work.

Excerpt from Training Media Review’s Article on Life is good

"It’s refreshing to see a company’s positive attitude turned inward as well as outward to customers. Too many hard-line managers growl at their staff to smile for customers. It never works! This goes hand in hand with a respectful, compassionate attitude toward everyone, not just the pets and star performers."

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