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World Class Quality: The Customer Will Decide
Tom Peters explains the importance of Quality and showcases companies where quality is an obsession, customers define the product, and skilled workers create high value.
Explore ways that quality - as defined by the customer - is the key to competing successfully in global markets. Through case studies, World Class Quality examines the critical elements that fuel the success of four companies that have international reputations for quality and have achieved global s... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only


World Class Quality: The Customer Will Decide

Explore ways that quality - as defined by the customer - is the key to competing successfully in global markets. Through case studies, World Class Quality examines the critical elements that fuel the success of four companies that have international reputations for quality and have achieved global success:

  • Rational
  • Trumpf
  • Playmobil
  • Hurco Companies

In this motivational presentation, Tom Peters goes on location to visit midsize companies in Germany, where quality is an obsession, customers define the product, skilled workers create high value, and the commitment to global competitiveness keeps them on the leading edge.

Tom then returns to the U.S. to visit an American company that is learning - and thriving - on the lessons learned. The companies profiled include Rational, Trumpf, Playmobil and Hurco Companies.

Key Learning Points

  • Understand the concepts of world-class quality
  • Explore the implications of the concepts for their own work situations
  • Develop specific ideas for improvement
Video Running Time (minutes)
Lead Distributor
Enterprise Media
Enterprise Media
Course ID


Runtime: 1:19
Runtime: 14:22
Runtime: 14:42
Runtime: 12:58
Hurco Companies
Runtime: 12:06